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This is a series of videos to get to know a little bit more about some of the main exponents and realities of the @LatinXChem community around the world.


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Tape 1
Adrián Roitberg @adrian_roitberg
University of Florida, USA

Tape 2
Javier Vela @vela_group
Iowa State University, USA

Tape 3
Zaira Domínguez @ZairaDominguezE
Myrna H. Matus @MyrnaHMatus
Magali Salas
Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico

Tape 4
Jessica Arcudia @JessArcudia
Cinvestav Mérida, Mexico

Tape 5
Alan Quintal @alanqf22
Cinvestav Mérida, Mexico

Tape 6
Ana Cristina García @AnaCristinaGAlz
UNAM, Mexico
Tape 7
Alán Aspuru Guzik @A_Aspuru_Guzik
University of Toronto, Canada

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